Desi Ghee Recipe in Urdu & English

Looking for a delicious and healthy meal option. Try our Desi Ghee Recipe in Urdu & English, it's a perfect choice for those in search of easy and simple recipes that cater to both taste and nutrition. You can find this fantastic recipe in both Urdu and English, making it accessible to a wide audience. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, this Desi Ghee Recipe in Urdu & English is a versatile option that promises a mouthwatering experience. Enjoy the simplicity of our easy recipes while savoring the goodness of a homemade, healthy meal.

desi ghee
desi ghee recipe

دودھ کی بالائی روزانہ ایک کپ جمع کرتے رہیں

1. Store milk cream everyday in a cup.

desi ghee recipe

ایک کھانے کا چمچ دھی بالائی میں شامل کرکے بالائی کا دھی جما دیں

2. Add one teaspoon yogurt into the cream for making the yogurt.

Malai Se Ghee Banana in Urdu

بلائینڈر میں جمع ہوا دھی اور ٹھنڈا یخ پانی ڈال کر لسی بنائیں

3. Add prepared yogurt and chilled water into the blender and make lassi.

ساتھ ہی آئس کیوبز بھی شامل کرتے جائیں اس طرح لسی پر مکھن جمع ہونا شروع ہوجائے گا

4. Beside, keep adding ice cubes; this way butter will start floating over lassi.

how to make desi ghee with cow milk

مکھن کو ایک پیالے میں نکال لیں اس طرح مکھن تیار ہے

5. Take out the butter in a bowl, butter is ready.

desi ghee banane ka tarike

ایک برتن میں مکھن ڈال کر پکنے دیں

6. Put butter into a pan and place on stove for melting.

how to make desi ghee from curd

جب سارا مکھن پگھل جائے اور مکھن کے بچے زرات براؤن ہوجائیں تو چولہے سے اُتار لیں

7. When all butter is melted, and its remaining particles gets browner, take it off the stove.

گھی کو چھنی سے چھان کر کسی برتن یا بوتل میں نکال لیں

8. Sift the ghee into a pan or bottle.

desi ghee recipe in english

اس طرح دودھ کی بالائی سے مکھن اور مکھن سے گھی تیار ہے۔

9. Extracted from pure butter, Pure Desi Ghee is ready!

مکھن/گھی بنانے کا آسان طریقہ
دودھ کی بالائی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ایک کپ
دھی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ایک کھانے کا چمچ
ٹھنڈا پانی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔دو گلاس (یخ ٹھنڈا)
برف۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔دس سے بارہ کیوبز

روزانہ جو دودھ آتا ہے اس سے بالائی ہٹا کر جمع کرتے رہیں جب ایک کپ ہوجائے تو ایک کھانے کا چمچ دھی بالائی میں شامل کرکے بالائی کا دھی جما دیں
بلائینڈر میں جمع ہوا دھی اور ٹھنڈا یخ پانی ڈال کر لسی بنائیں
ساتھ ہی آئس کیوبز بھی شامل کرتے جائیں اس طرح لسی پر مکھن جمع ہونا شروع ہوجائے گا
مکھن کو ایک پیالے میں نکال لیں اس طرح مکھن تیار ہے
ایک برتن میں مکھن ڈال کر پکنے دیں
جب سارا مکھن پگھل جائے اور مکھن کے بچے زرات براؤن ہوجائیں تو چولہے سے اُتار لیں
گھی کو چھنی سے چھان کر کسی برتن یا بوتل میں نکال لیں
اس طرح دودھ کی بالائی سے مکھن اور مکھن سے گھی تیار ہے۔

Homemade Desi Ghee Recipe (in English)

Preparing Desi Ghee and Butter with Cream


  1. Milk Cream: 1 cup
  2. Yogurt: 1 tablespoon
  3. Ice Water: 2 glasses (chilled)
  4. Ice: 2 to 12 cubes

Method of Butter

  1. Keep storing cream of the normal milk you bring your home. Store cream in a cup or pan everyday. When one cup is full of cream, add one tablespoon yogurt in order to convert cream into yogurt. When yogurt is ready, add it into blender with chilled water and then make lassi. As lassi would be formed, butter would accumulate on the lassi surface.

  2. Additionally, keep adding ice cubes into the lassi because the colder the lassi the faster the butter preparation will be.

  3. When all the butter is gathered over the lassi surface, take it out in a pan. Now butter is completely ready.

Preparation of Pure Ghee


  1. Butter

Method of Pure Ghee

  1. Put butter into a pan and place on stove on light flame.

  2. As butter will be melting, ghee will start to form.

  3. When butter melts completely, solid particles would gather at the bottom of pan.

  4. When those particles get browner and water is dried out of the ghee, take the pan off the stove and sift ghee using a sieve into another pot.

  5. The residue in the sieve is edible. You can eat it whereas the ghee you sifted can be stored in a bottle.

  6. Tasty pure desi ghee is ready!

Note: You can add salt or sugar to the lassi you made earlier, and drink it. And the butter can be used with paratha or bread.

Here you get an ever easy homemade desi ghee recipe in Urdu as well as translated in English. Don't worry to obtain desi ghee anymore. Make it yourself.

Desi Ghee is the actual essence of our foods. People ache for cooking foods in desi ghee but due to it's high cost, they are left with ordinary, low quality oils to cook with. Here is how to make desi ghee at home with step by step pictorial instructions by

After learning this recipe, the option and choice is yours. Whether you make desi ghee yourself at home or buy the same low quality oil to cook food. Let's begin step by step.

Tags: How to Make Desi Ghee from Curd How to Make Desi Ghee from Cow Milk Malai Se Ghee Banana in Urdu

By Seema Aleem  |   In Step By Step Recipes  |   43 Comments   |   292387 Views   |   13 Feb 2018
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Reviews & Comments

Baji mujy motay hony ki tips btao jis men healty nazar aun.plz stomach ka b masla hai mujy or tizabiyat ki moshan ki shikayat aksar rehti hai mujy

  • Saira, Faislabad

Baji mujy motay hony ki tips btao jis men healty nazar aun.plz

  • Saira, Faislabad

Desi Ghee Recipe is special item for winters and it is a must to use in our family Actually, now I could be able to make it at home and cook my favorite things in it easily I really found this recipe its quite easy I always preferred it however sourcing it is difficult things to make it.

  • Mariam, Larkana

I have always wanted to learn how to make desi ghee at home since my grandmother was able to do it all the time. It seemed really tricky and it is but this recipe just makes it so much easier.

  • Salah, lahore

NyC zbrdst recipiece

  • Tayyaba aamir, Karachi