Malawi Prayer Times 2024

Malawi Prayer Timings - Accurate Malawi prayer times for today, including a detailed timetable for salah. All cities in Malawi have Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha timings with customizable options for calculation methods and legal standards. Prayer times for Malawi cities with Qibla direction and thorough instructions for your Namaz.

City Fajar Dhuhur Asr Maghrib Isha
Kasungu 3:59 am 11:45 am 3:12 pm 6:12 pm 7:27 pm
Lilongwe 3:56 am 11:44 am 3:10 pm 6:13 pm 7:28 pm
Zomba 3:46 am 11:38 am 3:03 pm 6:09 pm 7:25 pm
Blantyre 3:46 am 11:39 am 3:04 pm 6:11 pm 7:27 pm
Karonga 4:05 am 11:44 am 3:11 pm 6:05 pm 7:18 pm
Liwonde 3:47 am 11:38 am 3:04 pm 6:09 pm 7:25 pm
Mangochi 3:49 am 11:38 am 3:04 pm 6:08 pm 7:23 pm
Nkhotakota 3:56 am 11:42 am 3:08 pm 6:09 pm 7:23 pm
Nsanje 3:42 am 11:38 am 3:02 pm 6:12 pm 7:29 pm
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