Non-veg Foods List & Recipes

Find Non-veg Foods List with Urdu & English meaning. We offer an updated glossary of Non-veg Foods and also provide details like prices, recipes & cooking ingredients, usage tips, calories chat and their numerous benefits. Explore the comprehensive Non-veg Foods glossary now available at your fingertips, and learn how to create these delectable recipes in your own kitchen. Let your taste buds embark on a flavorful journey. Visit for discover Non-veg Foods in Pakistan and elevate your cooking experience.

Reviews & Comments

anyone here kindly let me know does it found in rivers or a sea fish? what is its common Urdu name in Pakistan?


If you're going to a seafood restaurant you obviously expect to have seen a menu with a good selection of various fish dishes prepared in different ways. I will definitely recommend eating salmon fish because it is very tasty and scrumptious. You can also prepare it at home easily.

  • Emaan, Karachi

Salmon is one of my favourite fish, I always make fish steak out of salmon fish and serve it with mashed potatoes and saute vegetables.

  • Emaan, Karachi