How to Stop Dizziness: 5 Home Remedies

1. Lemon

Lemon comes with excellent nutrients in it which greatly help in reducing dizziness. It contains vitamin C which enhances body immune system. Other nutrients in lemon work as energizer and immediately hydrate the body, making you feel fresh and active.

How to Use:

Mix half lemon juice in one glass of water. Add 2 tsp sugar and drink this mixture.

You can also use it with black pepper powder. Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice, a little amount of black pepper powder and salt to a glass of water. Drink it 2 to 3 times in a day.

2. Drinking Water


Lack of water in body is also a major cause of sleepiness. Avoiding water for long time can cause dizziness. Sometimes, even despite drinking water, dehydration can be caused by vomiting or diarrhea.


Drink a glass of water then and there. Moreover, drink sufficient amount of water throughout the day in your routine life.

3. Ginger

Ginger is another effective and simple remedy to stop dizzy feeling. Ginger enlivens the flow of blood through the body including brain and ultimately reduce the dizziness of head. It also reduces nausea symptoms which often comes with dizziness.

How to Use:

Chew a little piece of ginger or drink ginger tea couple of times in a day.

4. Eat a Snack

Immediately eat a snack of healthy food when you are feeling sleepy and dizzy. One of the common causes of dizziness is to remaing hungry for long time. Another reason of dizziness is lowering sugar level in the blood. Eatng something would help you overcome the dizzy feeling.


Eat high carb snack or a high sugar eatable such chocolate.


Eat a fruit which high in water.


Consume up a bowl of yogurt with some fruit such as strawberry or banana.

5. Honey

Honey contains different kinds of sugars and consuming it immediately boosts energy level. Eating honey can fulfill the required level of sugar in the blood preventing the dizziness ahead.


Mix honey and unprocessed apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons each) in one glass of water. Drink this solution twice a day.

Looking for ways how to get rid of dizziness naturally? is telling 5 ways to stop dizziness. Continue reading to know 5 easy remedies that would tell you what to do when you're dizzy.

Dizziness or sleepiness is a state of mind when may make someone feel unsteady, weak, loss of balance, light headed and giddy. It can also cause fainting. Dizziness is not actually a disease but a symptom of different conditions such as muscle disease, neurological disorder, certain kinds of allergies and heat stroke. It can also take place due to ear infection, anemia, vision disorder, migraine, head or brain injury and migraine.

Note: Vertigo is different than normal dizziness.

Dizziness can also be caused due to stress, extra ordinary exercise, dehydration and body hormonal changes.

Stop Dizziness Remedies

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By Farhan Javed  |   In Health and Fitness  |   1 Comments   |   23511 Views   |   12 May 2020
About the Author:

Farhan Javed is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background. Farhan Javed is dedicated content writer for news and featured content especially food recipes, daily life tips & tricks related topics and currently employed as content writer at

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COMMENTS | ASK QUESTION (Last Updated: 26 April 2024)

Dizziness affects the living in office , with friends and at home. Nice sharing

  • Mehdi,

How to Stop Dizziness: 5 Home Remedies

How to Stop Dizziness: 5 Home Remedies ہر کسی کے لیے جاننا ضروری ہیں کیونکہ یہ ایک اہم معلومات ہے۔ How to Stop Dizziness: 5 Home Remedies سے متعلق تفصیلی معلومات آپ کو اس آرٹیکل میں بآسانی مل جائے گی۔ ہمارے پیج پر کھانوں، مصالحوں، ادویات، بیماریوں، فیشن، سیلیبریٹیز، ٹپس اینڈ ٹرکس، ہربلسٹ اور مشہور شیف کی بتائی ہوئی ہر قسم کی ٹپ دستیاب ہے۔ مزید لائف ٹپس، صحت، قدرتی اجزاء اور ماڈرن ریمیڈی کے فوڈز میں موجود ہے۔