Jackfruit: (Kithal)

Jackfruit meaning in Urdu is Kithal and is a tropical Vegetables celebrated for its unique flavor and color. In Urdu, Jackfruit "Kithal" is referred to as "کٹھل" This delicious Vegetables is cherished for its nutritional value and versatility in culinary delights.

The jackfruit is a huge, spined, oval fruit that is believed to have been first cultivated in Indian rainforests. It is largely grown in tropical or close to tropical climates. The fruit itself is the largest fruit in the world. It can weigh up to 80 pounds (36.29 kg) and be up to 3 feet (.91 m) long. The exterior of the fruit is not edible, but the flesh and seeds are commonly eaten. When the fruit has turned from green to yellow, it is ready to be picked. Jackfruit tends to be an acquired taste and frequently does not appeal to those unfamiliar with it. Cutting and preparing the jackfruit is somewhat difficult because the fruit is very sticky and can actually be used as glue. Most people oil their hands to prevent some of the stickiness from transferring to their hands, but washing up afterwards is still a chore.Raw JackfruitRefers to the jackfruit which is not fully ripe. Raw jackfruit has a crunchy, rather than mushy texture, and is generally preferred as a vegetable. They are cooked with spices and in gravies similar to any other vegetable preparation. When unripe (green), it is remarkably similar in texture to chicken, making jackfruit an excellent vegetarian substitute for meat. In fact, canned jackfruit (in brine) is sometimes referred to as "vegetable meat".Ripe jackfruitRefers to fully ripened jackfruit. The ripening jackfruit has an odor which has been compared to the smell of rotting onions. This aroma often discourages people from trying the interior. When the ripe jackfruit is opened, numerous sweet, banana-like bulbs are revealed, and most people find them quite delicious.Chopped JackfruitRefers to the finely chopped or roughly chopped after peeling. Another interesting way of chopping jackfruit would be to chop into big chunks or quarters.Deseeded jackfruitWhen you cut the jackfruit in half, you'll note its light green flesh, and a layer of seeds. These are easily scooped out with a spoon. Deseeded jackfruit can be chopped, cubed or sliced as per individual preference or recipe requirement.Cubed JackfruitRemove the outer rind and take out the fleshy interiors. Deseed the jackfruit and place the jackfruit on the chopping board. Cut it into small cubes with a sharp chopping knife and relish them as fresh fruit (when fully ripe) or as a vegetable(raw).Jackfruit pulpAdd the jackfruit cubes into a blender and strain it. Add water as per desired dilution and a healthy refreshing jackfruit pulp is ready.

500g Jackfruit

Calories Fat Carbs Protein
475 3 g 115 g 8.5 g

Jackfruit meaning in Urdu:

Jackfruit known in Pakistan and India as Kithal, and it's meaning in Urdu is "کٹھل". Where English translation of Kithal is Jackfruit.

Kithal meaning in English

The word Kithal meaning in English is "Jackfruit", Words often carry multiple meanings in English but the accurate translation of "Kithal" is "Jackfruit" In Urdu, it is written as "کٹھل". Similar words to "Kithal" are often used in everyday conversations.

Jackfruit Price :

The price of Jackfruit (Kithal) may vary depending on the brand and quantity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Jackfruit

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Jackfruit:

What is meaning of Jackfruit in Urdu?

Jackfruit Meanings in Urdu is known as "کٹھل".

What is Kithal meaning in English?

Kithal in English is "Jackfruit".

What is the price of Jackfruit?

The price of Jackfruit may vary depending on the brand and quantity.

How should Jackfruit be stored?

Jackfruit should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. This helps maintain their freshness and prevents them from becoming stale.

Jackfruit Recipes
Savithri S,
daani, Karachi
More Vegetables
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  • Ms Noorulla, Jagitial


  • sohail babar, pattoki